Overcoming the Odds: My Transformative Journey with Gavel

On the 10th of August 2023, at around 3:40 pm, I nervously walked into the Gavel room for the first time, feeling completely clueless about public speaking. Standing by the door was Rithvick Ayya, who greeted me with a warm smile. It was comforting, but the real hero of my story is Gavelier Akarshana, who introduced me to Gavel and changed my life forever.

As I stepped inside, I was welcomed with friendly smiles from almost everyone. I felt the sense of warmth and friendliness within the first few minutes. But my comfort was short-lived. After the meeting began with the usual proceedings, the round robin master announced:  “EVERY ONE OF YOU SHOULD SPEAK FOR 20 SECONDS” Panic set in. There was no way I could stand in front of a bunch of strangers and speak on a random topic with no preparation. I started plotting my escape. How could I leave without being noticed? The door seemed miles away. That’s when I accepted my fate and realized there was no way out.

As people started speaking freely on the given topic, I couldn’t think of a single word to say. I started panicking and sweating. Then, out of nowhere, someone came and sat next to me. She smiled warmly and began talking as if she had known me forever. Her presence was reassuring. She must have noticed my nervousness because she said, “it’s okay to not be perfect on your first attempt. It’s totally fine to make mistakes.” As you might have guessed by now that was none other than our Vice President, Nisali Akki. When my turn finally came, to my surprise, I managed to say a few words within those 20 seconds.

Leaving the Gavel room that day, my only goal was to bring my friend Gavelier Musfirah to the next meeting, which I successfully did. Days and months passed, and on one bright Thursday evening, I decided to tackle my first table topic. I was excited and ready to accept any challenge. However, things didn’t go as planned. Standing in front of everyone, my mind went blank. I uttered a few disjointed words and then sat down, feeling utterly defeated. It felt like the world was crumbling around me. DRAMATIC? YES. I decided then and there that public speaking was not for me. I vowed never to attempt a table topic again.

Yet, two weeks later, I found myself delivering my first Competent Communicator speech. Adithya Ayya evaluated my speech and his encouraging words restored my faith. Maybe I wasn’t a natural at public speaking, but it wasn’t as terrifying as I had imagined. A few months later, when Speech master registrations opened, I was torn about whether to apply. Self-doubt consumed me, but I registered anyway. Writing my speech was a challenge because I still believed public speaking wasn’t my cup of Tea. I kept reminding myself, “Zinneerah, this is your first competition. Participation is what matters.”

When the preliminary round results were announced, I wasn’t surprised that I wasn’t selected as a semi-finalist. However, being named a reserve semi-finalist felt like a victory. For others, it might have not been a big deal, but for me, it was. A few days before the semi-finals, I got a chance to compete because a competitor backed out. I poured my heart into practicing my speech, receiving support from many Gaveliers, including alumni members, which boosted my confidence. At the semi-finals, I was thrilled to be announced as a finalist. The preparation for the finals of Speech master was intense. I wouldn’t have come this far without the guidance and mentorship from my fellow Gaveliers.

On the 28th of April 2024, at the Grand Finale of Speech master, I didn’t walk away with the trophy, but I left the stage having learned invaluable lessons. I was more confident, found it easier to start conversations, and gained a bunch of lovely friends and memories that I will cherish forever. Now, wherever I go, seeing a Gavel friend always brings back memories of our endless laughter and inside jokes. It’s like having our own special language that nobody else gets. Each encounter is a reminder of the bonds we formed, and the challenges we faced together. Public speaking with Gavel transformed my life in ways I never imagined.

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