For a university student, who’s fresh out of school, stuck in a limbo between the crookedly scheduled lectures and endless ungratifying assignments living for the weekend is the new normal. Being no strangers to public transport, for us, getting on a new bus every day is hardly a remarkable experience. Be it starting a new friendship with that one extroverted friend, getting roped into joining a club you’ve always wanted to join but was too hesitant to, or finding yourself sacrificing your beauty sleep on a precious weekend to steal a page out of a chapter you’re neither expected or obligated to live, we might just be a tad too familiar with the drill of getting aboard a new bus to believe that it is a game of chance.
That is how I found myself, on a bright sunny morning, under a brilliant azure sky littered with cumulus clouds, getting on a bus to head south to the Medical Faculty of the University of Ruhuna for the joint meeting between the Gavel clubs of the University of Ruhuna and the University of Sri Jayewardenepura.
Choosing a comfortable looking seat (read: the first seat that caught our eyes) we all settled preparing ourselves to a bus ride of gossips, teasing, selfies and staring out through the windows. The same, old, drill. We can do this! We’re used to this! “WHERE ARE THE SONGS YOU DOWNLOADED FOR THE RIDE??!!,” demanded Gv. Sachini with her hands on her hips and a menacing glare, effectively popping our bubbles of familiarity. “Kids these days listen to Spotify,” Gv. Kawyasha replied helpfully, while the Poddos smiled cluelessly. This is going to be a long ride for the Lokkas, I mused while frowning in disbelief at the homemade toasted sandwich that was being passed around. We all got up from our seats and swayed to an interesting choice of a dance song blaring from a rusty sounding speaker.
After several rounds of ‘A room full of polite people’ where the rules of the game ended up being leaked through an AI chatbot, a valiant effort by the Lokkas to hold a song relay and several measures taken to hype up the Poddas, we finally arrived at the Galle fort. We got off the bus in pairs, excited to have a guided tour around the Galle fort while the sun merrily beat down upon us. We were then given a chance to explore the vibrant streets of the Galle Fort after we shared our live locations in our group chat and promised to meet up near the lighthouse at 12:45. After clearing our initial daze at suddenly being set free, we all trotted away, unable to resist the alluring whispers of the compacted little town. This miniature maze comprising of asphalt paved pathways all leading back to the lighthouse were filled with a variety of tiny trinkets and ornaments, magnificent architecture reflecting a history of Sri Lanka when it was colony, budding soloists performing for foreign audiences, cozy cafes, mouth watering aromas of coffee, tea, spices as well as sweet and savory dishes, while the sea breeze swayed the fairy lights hung across the streets murmuring about an economy persevering to grow on tourism. After thoroughly helping ourselves to all the wonders that these streets had to offer us and making some more memories between the gentle waves of the sea and pearly white sands of the Galle beach, we all boarded the bus again with lighter hearts, to face our fellow Gaveliers of the University of Ruhuna in a game of Snakes and Ladders.
We then entered the Medical Faculty of the University of Ruhuna, which stood tall and white against a backdrop of greenery. We all hurried to a canteen and huddled around the few vacant tables at the canteen to have lunch, for we were all starving after being active the whole morning. Then, we were led to the discussion room at the library, where the scent of books invaded our nostrils while we received a hearty welcome by the Gaveliers of the University of Ruhuna. Thus, after a quick introduction of the ex-co of both clubs by the two presidents of the respective clubs, the Gaveliers from both universities tied their fate to a roll of a dice.
Two plushies were introduced as the avatars of each club. The avatar of the Gavel club of University of Ruhuna was an adorable koala while the avatar for the Gavel club of University of Sri Jayewardenepura was kindly nicknamed as a “Depressed dog”. This was when the Grammarian for the day from the University of Ruhuna introduced the word of the day, which was “perceive” and explained that the Gaveliers who used this word at the Round Robin session as well as the Table Topics session would we awarded the opportunity to roll the die and move their avatars along the board accordingly. Then, the Round Robin master came forth with quite a curious topic for the day, which was “If your life was a movie, what would its title be?”. As expected, that opened a box of chocolates. From “Girl Garfield” to “Fifty shades of blue”, from “Go with the flow” to “The Engine”, a wide array of themes was brought forth by the Gaveliers of both clubs, creating a beautiful atmosphere while the word of the day was cunningly tangled into every speech delivered. Just when the cute little puppy was at the verge of winning, the Round Robin session came to an end.
Next commenced the table topic session where Gaveliers from both universities enthusiastically took their chance not only to talk on the six table topic sessions shared before the round, but also the two additional hidden topics. From, the rocky waters of love to the deep trenches of the meaning of life, from business prospects to current regrets as a university student, it was certainly a session that expanded our horizons, whether we were out there presenting our ideas or merely listening in fascinated silence. It was a chance to test our courage, present our thoughts and share relatable experiences, with people that we were already at ease with as well as people we bonded within a few hours. As the word of the day was thoroughly used at the table topic session too, the two avatars who were at the brink of victory were back at the middle of the board at the end of this session.
After the final reports were read out, the final evaluations were shared with the Gaveliers who took part in the table topic session, where all of us received valuable insights. With the final words of the presidents of the two clubs, the joint meeting between the two clubs came to its conclusion. Photos were taken, Tiktoks were made, while the hugs and promises to catch up later made the hearts of the Gaveliers heavy, for those same hearts have grown closer although the friendships were fresh. This was how, with arms full of the snacks prepared by the Gaveliers of the University of Ruhuna and souls full of enriching experiences we boarded the bus once again to bade farewell to a day well spent.
Between silly teasing, light-hearted dancing, dance music flooding the bus, and a stray tendril of scent from a crushed cutlet, the journey back home was really content. This particular bus ride, is surely going to be one that I’ll never forget. For it changed me in unexpected ways and shed light on perspectives I hadn’t ventured into before. As we all scattered to our respective homes though, it was difficult not to wonder, whether;
There was a thing about buses as there was a thing about trains. Whether it didn’t matter where we’re going. Cause what mattered was deciding to get on.